In the past few months I’ve had the privilege of writing three guest posts for some of my favorite blogs.
I’d like to share those with you today.
10 Ways to Add More Adventure in Your Homeschool
What image comes to mind when you hear the word adventure-seeker?
Do you picture someone bungee jumping over a 300 foot cliff? Or do you imagine someone climbing to the top of Mount Everest?
Adventure for me is pushing myself beyond my comfort zone. It’s doing something different and out of the ordinary. It can mean something big, like when my family went swimming with the dolphins in Grand Cayman Island, but it can also mean something less dramatic like cooking a new type of food or sleeping in a tent in the backyard.
Read the rest of the post here
Why the Travel Mind-set is Essential to Unschooling
at Family Trek
Before we had kids, my husband and I loved travelling. From hiking Diamond Head in Hawaii to exploring a tiny island off of Lake Erie, we always jumped at any opportunity to travel to new places.
Then we had kids.
For some reason, we thought it would be more difficult to travel with our kids when they were very young. We thought we might go on some local trips, but we’d have to wait until they were at least 4 or 5 to travel someplace far from home.
But after having twins born two month early and being stuck in the house most of that summer, I was itching so bad to travel that I couldn’t stand it anymore.
Read the rest of the post here
Classes, Camps, and Clubs, Oh My! A Better Way to Do Summer
Have you noticed the craze in summer school classes and programs in the past few years?
I’m always amazed each year at all the offering there are at park districts, junior colleges, museums, art schools and libraries….just to name a few.
Kids can go to week long camps on just about any topic at all: cooking, forensic science, soccer, theater, bowling, science, Legos, and so much more.
There’s also a big push for kids to take lots of refresher courses in writing, reading and math. In fact, many, many parents have their kids signed up for so many classes and activities in the summer that they are in fact busier and more burned out than they are during the school year.
Read the rest of the post here
Photo Credit: Stephen Cummings